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Input Placeholder

发布时间:2014-07-18   编辑:jiaochengji.com
This plugin extends the jQuery() class with .placehold() method, which is effective for text inputs and treats the default value those inputs have in HTML markup as a placehold value. When user focuses an input field, its placehold value has to be cleared
This plugin extends the jquery() class with .placehold() method, which is effective for text inputs and treats the default value those inputs have in HTML markup as a placehold value.When user focuses an input field, its placehold value has to be cleared out, but it returns back, if user leaves the field having put nothing in there. Additionally, my method can add a specified class to active and inactive fields separately, enabling you to style and access placeholded and active inputs.Please, remember to validate the form on submit, additionally checking fields for containing a placeholder, because placeholder strings are obviously treated as normal input values by UAs. If a user submits such form, it might even appear valid on the server side, filling your DB with bogus data

关于HTML5 input placeholder 的颜色修改
Input Placeholder
placeholder jquery插件

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