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jQuery Editable Combobox

发布时间:2014-05-27   编辑:jiaochengji.com
What is it? jQuery Editable Combobox is a jQuery function that allows you to transform any <select> tag into editable combobox. This is done by adding a new <option> element to carry the value entered by the keyboard. This will only work on se
What is it? jquery Editable Combobox is a jQuery function that allows you to transform any <select> tag into editable combobox.This is done by adding a new <option> element to carry the value entered by the keyboard. This will only work on select elements. Any other elements this function will be applied to will be ignored. How to use it? Just import plugin file after importing the jQuery library and you're set. Syntax: $(elements).editableCombobox([options]) Parameters: object options - plugin specific options Options: int position - index of editable option to be inserted in select (default 0) string|array classes - additional CSS classes to be added to editable option element (default '') object styles - additional CSS properties to be set for editable option element (default '') string pluginClass - name of plugin class, should be overwritten only if default plugin class is in use (default: 'jecEditableOption') array ignoredKeys - ignored keycodes array acceptedRanges - accepted key ranges

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