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golang 包管理工具

发布时间:2022-02-02   编辑:jiaochengji.com
教程集为您提供golang 包管理工具等资源,欢迎您收藏本站,我们将为您提供最新的golang 包管理工具资源
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" style="display: none;"><path stroke-linecap="round" d="M5,0 0,2.5 5,5z" id="raphael-marker-block" style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);"/></svg><h1>go mod 包管理器</h1>

推荐官方自带 包管理器
安装好 go 之后 ,包管理器自带

以下不推荐</h1> <h1>以下不推荐</h1> <h1>以下不推荐</h1> <h1>Gopm 包管理器</h1>


gopm 安装</h2> <pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">go get -u github.com/gpmgo/gopm </code></pre> <h2>gopm 使用案例</h2>

安装 数据库 xormplus 操作

<pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">gopm get github.com/xormplus/xorm </code></pre> <h1>
golang dep</h1>


golang dep 安装</h2> <pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep </code></pre>


golang dep 如何使用</h2>


Glide 介绍</h1>


http://glidedocs.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/ 中文版

https://glide.sh/ 官网

Glide 安装</h2> <pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">curl https://glide.sh/get | sh 或 go get github.com/Masterminds/glide </code></pre>

这个安装会自动生成执行文件 <code>glide</code>,文件一般位于 <code>go/bin/</code>目录下,所以 你这个目录要有可写权限哦,当然你这个命令也必须支持,否则无法生成

我的 go 目录放在用户根目录下:
<code>/Users/fox/go/go</code> go 语言目录

Glide 命令</h2>

<code>glide create</code> 初始化项目并创建glide.yaml文件.
<code>glide init</code> 初始化项目并创建glide.yaml文件.
<code>glide update</code> 更新解析下载包依赖
<code>glide up</code> 更新解析下载包依赖
<code>glide install</code> 安装包
<code>glide get</code> 获取单个包
  <code>--all-dependencies</code> 会下载所有关联的依赖包
  <code>-s</code> 删除所有版本控制,如.git
  <code>-v</code> 删除嵌套的vendor
<code>glide name</code> 查看依赖名称
<code>glide list</code> 查看依赖列表
<code>glide help</code> 帮助
<code>glide --version</code>查看版本

<code>glide mirror set [original] [replacement]</code> 替换包的镜像
<code>glide mirror set [original] [replacement] --vcs [type]</code> 替换包的镜像
<code>glide mirror remove [original]</code> 移除包的镜像
<code>glide mirror list</code> 获取包的镜像列表

Golang类库 下载</h2>


方法一 解决go get golang.org/x/net 安装失败</h3>


<pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/mobile https://github.com/golang/mobile --vcs git glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/crypto https://github.com/golang/crypto --vcs git glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/net https://github.com/golang/net --vcs git glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/tools https://github.com/golang/tools --vcs git glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/text https://github.com/golang/text --vcs git glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/image https://github.com/golang/image --vcs git glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/sys https://github.com/golang/sys --vcs git </code></pre>

然后在 你的项目中,修改<code>glide.yaml</code>文件.在<code>import:</code>下一级增加

<pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">- package: golang.org/x/net </code></pre>



<pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">package: blog import: - package: golang.org/x/net - package: golang.org/x/sys - package: golang.org/x/mobile - package: golang.org/x/crypto - package: golang.org/x/text - package: golang.org/x/tools - package: golang.org/x/image 。。。。后面的不再复制了 </code></pre> <h3>
方法二 下载包</h3> <pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/golang.org/x cd $GOPATH/src/golang.org/x git clone https://github.com/golang/net.git #这个就是net包 git clone https://github.com/golang/crypto.git #这个就是crypto包 git clone https://github.com/golang/sys.git git clone https://github.com/golang/mobile.git git clone https://github.com/golang/text.git git clone https://github.com/golang/tools.git git clone https://github.com/golang/image.git ... 等等 需要的包,请自行替换 </code></pre> <h3>方法三 通过代理</h3>


<pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">export http_proxy=http://127.0.1:9000 export https_proxy=$http_proxy export ftp_proxy=$http_proxy export rsync_proxy=$http_proxy export no_proxy="localhost,,localaddress,.localdomain.com" </code></pre>

git 代理也要设置

<pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">git config --global http.proxy #git config --global https.proxy </code></pre>


<pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">GIT 设置代理为空 git config --global --unset http.proxy #git config --global --unset https.proxy </code></pre>

GIT 查看已经设置的值:

<pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">git config http.proxy </code></pre> <h2>
Glide 生成的 glide.yml 文件说明</h2>


Glide 团队开发时</h2>

需要将 glide.yaml 和 glide.lock 进行版本控制

案例 没有使用Glide的项目</h2>


<pre><code class="lang-shell hljs"><span class="token function">wget</span> https://github.com/foxiswho/blog-go/archive/master.zip </code></pre>


<pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">unzip master.zip 解压缩后得到目录 blog-go-master </code></pre>


<pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">mv blog-go-master ~/blog-go </code></pre>

添加环境变量把 这个目录加入GOPATH里面
找到你的 GOPATH 配置地方修改

<pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">export GOPATH=/Users/fox/go/gopath:/Users/fox/blog-go </code></pre>


<pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">cd /Users/fox/blog-go/src/blog </code></pre> <h3>
Glide 初始化</h3>


<pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">glide init </code></pre>


<pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">[INFO] Generating a YAML configuration file and guessing the dependencies [INFO] Attempting to import from other package managers (use --skip-import to skip) [INFO] Scanning code to look for dependencies [INFO] --> Found reference to github.com/astaxie/beego [INFO] --> Adding sub-package cache to github.com/astaxie/beego [INFO] --> Adding sub-package context to github.com/astaxie/beego [INFO] --> Adding sub-package httplib to github.com/astaxie/beego [INFO] --> Adding sub-package logs to github.com/astaxie/beego [INFO] --> Adding sub-package orm to github.com/astaxie/beego [INFO] --> Found reference to github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql [INFO] --> Found reference to github.com/qiniu/api.v7/auth/qbox [INFO] --> Adding sub-package storage to github.com/qiniu/api.v7 [INFO] --> Found reference to github.com/russross/blackfriday [INFO] --> Found reference to github.com/xormplus/xorm [INFO] --> Found test reference to github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey [INFO] Writing configuration file (glide.yaml) [INFO] Would you like Glide to help you find ways to improve your glide.yaml configuration? [INFO] If you want to revisit this step you can use the config-wizard command at any time. [INFO] Yes (Y) or No (N)? Y [INFO] Looking for dependencies to make suggestions on [INFO] --> Scanning for dependencies not using version ranges [INFO] --> Scanning for dependencies using commit ids [INFO] Gathering information on each dependency [INFO] --> This may take a moment. Especially on a codebase with many dependencies [INFO] --> Gathering release information for dependencies [INFO] --> Looking for dependency imports where versions are commit ids [INFO] Here are some suggestions... [INFO] The package github.com/astaxie/beego appears to have Semantic Version releases (http://semver.org). [INFO] The latest release is v1.9.2. You are currently not using a release. Would you like [INFO] to use this release? Yes (Y) or No (N) Y [INFO] Would you like to remember the previous decision and apply it to future [INFO] dependencies? Yes (Y) or No (N) Y [INFO] Updating github.com/astaxie/beego to use the release v1.9.2 instead of no release [INFO] The package github.com/astaxie/beego appears to use semantic versions (http://semver.org). [INFO] Would you like to track the latest minor or patch releases (major.minor.patch)? [INFO] The choices are: [INFO] - Tracking minor version releases would use '>= 1.9.2, < 2.0.0' ('^1.9.2') [INFO] - Tracking patch version releases would use '>= 1.9.2, < 1.10.0' ('~1.9.2') [INFO] - Skip using ranges [INFO] For more information on Glide versions and ranges see https://glide.sh/docs/versions [INFO] Minor (M), Patch (P), or Skip Ranges (S)? P [INFO] Would you like to remember the previous decision and apply it to future [INFO] dependencies? Yes (Y) or No (N) Y [INFO] Updating github.com/astaxie/beego to use the range ~1.9.2 instead of commit id v1.9.2 [INFO] Updating github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql to use the release v1.3 instead of no release [INFO] Updating github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql to use the range ~1.3.0 instead of commit id v1.3 [INFO] Updating github.com/qiniu/api.v7 to use the release v7.2.3 instead of no release [INFO] Updating github.com/qiniu/api.v7 to use the range ~7.2.3 instead of commit id v7.2.3 [INFO] Updating github.com/russross/blackfriday to use the release v2.0.0 instead of no release [INFO] Updating github.com/russross/blackfriday to use the range ~2.0.0 instead of commit id v2.0.0 [INFO] Updating github.com/smartystreets/goconvey to use the release 1.6.3 instead of no release [INFO] Updating github.com/smartystreets/goconvey to use the range ~1.6.3 instead of commit id 1.6.3 [INFO] Configuration changes have been made. Would you like to write these [INFO] changes to your configuration file? Yes (Y) or No (N) Y [INFO] Writing updates to configuration file (glide.yaml) [INFO] You can now edit the glide.yaml file.: [INFO] --> For more information on versions and ranges see https://glide.sh/docs/versions/ [INFO] --> For details on additional metadata see https://glide.sh/docs/glide.yaml/ </code></pre>

第一次生成 glide.yaml 文件

golang 报错解决</h2> <pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/mobile https://github.com/golang/mobile --vcs git glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/crypto https://github.com/golang/crypto --vcs git glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/net https://github.com/golang/net --vcs git glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/tools https://github.com/golang/tools --vcs git glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/text https://github.com/golang/text --vcs git glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/image https://github.com/golang/image --vcs git glide mirror set https://golang.org/x/sys https://github.com/golang/sys --vcs git </code></pre>


<pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">- package: golang.org/x/net - package: golang.org/x/sys - package: golang.org/x/mobile - package: golang.org/x/crypto - package: golang.org/x/text - package: golang.org/x/crypto - package: golang.org/x/tools - package: golang.org/x/image </code></pre>



<code>glide install</code>


这一步, 不是必须的,例如 你要升级某些包 可以执行

<pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">glide up </code></pre> <h2>
案例 已经使用Glide的项目</h2> <pre><code class="lang-SHELL hljs">glide install </code></pre>


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