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js 可拖动层

发布时间:2017-07-20   编辑:jiaochengji.com
教程集为您提供js 可拖动层等资源,欢迎您收藏本站,我们将为您提供最新的js 可拖动层资源

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Array.apply(null, a) : new Array; }; var $ = function (id) { //获取对象 return document.getElementById(id); }; var Try = { //检测异常 these : function () { var returnValue, arg = arguments, lambda, i; for (i = 0 ; i < arg.length ; i ) { lambda = arg[i]; try { returnValue = lambda(); break; } catch (exp) {} } return returnValue; } }; Object.extend = function (a, b) { //追加方法 for (var i in b) a[i] = b[i]; return a; }; Object.extend(Object, { addEvent : function (a, b, c, d) { //添加函数 if (a.attachEvent) a.attachEvent(b[0], c); else a.addEventListener(b[1] || b[0].replace(/^on/, ""), c, d || false); return c; }, delEvent : function (a, b, c, d) { if (a.detachEvent) a.detachEvent(b[0], c); else a.removeEventListener(b[1] || b[0].replace(/^on/, ""), c, d || false); return c; }, reEvent : function () { //获取Event return window.event ? window.event : (function (o) { do { o = o.caller; } while (o && !/^[object[ A-Za-z]*Event]$/.test(o.arguments[0])); return o.arguments[0]; })(this.reEvent); } }); Function.prototype.bind = function () { //绑定事件 var wc = this, a = $A(arguments), o = a.shift(); return function () { wc.apply(o, a.concat($A(arguments))); }; }; var CDrag = Class.create(); CDrag.IE = /MSIE/.test(window.navigator.userAgent); CDrag.load = function (obj_string, func, time) { //加载对象 var index = 0, timer = window.setInterval(function () { try { if (eval(obj_string ".loaded")) { window.clearInterval(timer); func(eval("new " obj_string)); } } catch (exp) {} if ( index == 20) window.clearInterval(timer); }, time index * 3); }; CDrag.database = { //数据存储 json : null, parse : function (id) { //查找资源 var wc = this, json = wc.json, i; for (i in json) { if (json[i].id == id) return json[i]; } } }; CDrag.Ajax = Class.create(); Object.extend(CDrag.Ajax, { getTransport: function() { return Try.these( function () { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP') }, function () { return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') }, function () { return new XMLHttpRequest() } ) || false; } }); CDrag.Ajax.prototype = { initialize : function (url) { //初始化 var wc = this; wc.ajax = CDrag.Ajax.getTransport(); }, load : function (func) { var wc = this, ajax = wc.ajax; if (ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200) func(ajax.responseText); }, send : function (url, func) { var wc = this, ajax = wc.ajax, querys = url "&" new Date().getTime() (10000 parseInt(Math.random() * 10000)); ajax.open("get", querys, true); ajax.onreadystatechange = wc.load.bind(wc, func); ajax.send(null); } }; CDrag.Table = Class.create(); CDrag.Table.prototype = { //列的拖拽暂时不考虑 initialize : function () { //初始化 var wc = this; wc.items = []; //创建列组 }, add : function () { //添加列 var wc = this, id = wc.items.length, arg = arguments; return wc.items[id] = new CDrag.Table.Cols(id, wc, arg[0]); } }; CDrag.Table.Cols = Class.create(); CDrag.Table.Cols.prototype = { initialize : function (id, parent, element) { //初始化 var wc = this; wc.items = []; //创建列组 wc.id = id; wc.parent = parent; wc.element = element; }, add : function () { //添加行 var wc = this, id = wc.items.length, arg = arguments; return wc.items[id] = new CDrag.Table.Rows(id, wc, arg[0], arg[1], arg[2]); }, ins : function (num, row) { //插入行 var wc = this, items = wc.items, i; if (row.parent == wc && row.id < num) num --; //同列向下移动的时候 for (i = num ; i < items.length ; i ) items[i].id ; items.splice(num, 0, row); row.id = num, row.parent = wc; return row; }, del : function (num) { //删除行 var wc = this, items = wc.items, i; if (num >= items.length) return; for (i = num 1; i < items.length ; i ) items[i].id = i - 1; return items.splice(num, 1)[0]; } }; CDrag.Table.Rows = Class.create(); CDrag.Table.Rows.prototype = { initialize : function (id, parent, element, window, locks) { //初始化 var wc = this, temp; wc.id = id; wc.parent = parent; wc.root_id = element; wc.window = window; wc.element = wc.element_init(); temp = wc.element.childNodes[0]; wc.title = temp.childNodes[4]; wc.reduce = temp.childNodes[3]; wc.lock = temp.childNodes[2], wc.locks = locks; wc.edit = temp.childNodes[1]; wc.close = temp.childNodes[0]; wc.content = wc.element.childNodes[1]; wc.Class = wc.mousedown = wc.reduceFunc = wc.lockFunc = wc.editFunc = wc.closeFunc = null; wc.init(); wc.load(); }, element_init : function () { //初始化元素 var wc = this, div = $("root_row").cloneNode(true); wc.parent.element.appendChild(div); div.style.display = "block"; return div; }, init : function () { //初始化信息 var wc = this; if (wc.window == 0) { wc.content.style.display = "none"; wc.reduce.innerHTML = "放大"; } else { wc.content.style.display = "block"; wc.reduce.innerHTML = "缩小"; } wc.lock.innerHTML = !wc.locks ? "锁定" : "解除"; }, load : function () { //获取相关信息 var wc = this, info = CDrag.database.parse(wc.root_id), script; wc.title.innerHTML = info.title; if (info.src) { wc.content.innerHTML = "loading"; script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = info.src ".js"//, script.defer = true; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); CDrag.load(info.className, wc.upload.bind(wc), 5); } else wc.content.innerHTML = info.className; }, upload : function (obj) { /*加载类信息 注:这里给行加入了一个扩展类,这里行的内容可以通过扩展类来控制^o^ 不过扩展类的格式必须有open方法和edit方法,还有类名.静态成员loaded = true;为了检测是否加载完毕 扩展类需放到单独的.js文件里,然后从database结构体内设定其参数即可 */ var wc = this; wc.Class = obj; wc.Class.parent = wc; wc.editFunc = Object.addEvent(wc.edit, ["onclick"], wc.lockF(wc.Class, wc.Class.edit, wc)); wc.Class.open(); }, lockF : function () { //检索锁定 var wc = this, arg = $A(arguments), root = arg.shift(), func = arg.shift(); return function () { if (!wc.locks) func.apply(root, arg.concat($A(arguments))); }; } }; CDrag.Add = Class.create(); CDrag.Add.prototype = { initialize : function (parent) { //初始化参数 var wc = this; wc.div = document.createElement("div"); //最外层div wc.iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); //协助wc.div盖select的iframe wc.node = document.createElement("div"); //内容底层div wc.content = document.createElement("div"); //内容层div wc.button = document.createElement("button"); //内容处理按钮 wc.parent = parent; wc.json = null; wc.button.onclick = wc.execute.bind(wc, wc.content); //向按钮指向方法 wc.init_element(); }, init_element : function () { //初始化元素 var wc = this; wc.div.setAttribute(CDrag.IE ? "className" : "class", "Dall_screen"); wc.iframe.setAttribute(CDrag.IE ? "className" : "class", "Iall_screen"); wc.node.setAttribute(CDrag.IE ? "className" : "class", "Nall_screen"); wc.content.setAttribute(CDrag.IE ? "className" : "class", "Call_screen"); wc.button.innerHTML = "执行"; wc.node.appendChild(wc.content); wc.node.appendChild(wc.button); }, init_json : function () { //初始化原始数据信息串 var wc = this, parent = wc.parent, cols = parent.table.items, new_json = {}, init_json = CDrag.database.json, r, i, j; for (i = 0 ; i < init_json.length ; i ) //便利原始数据 new_json[init_json[i].id] = { id : init_json[i].id, row : null, title : init_json[i].title }; for (i = 0 ; i < cols.length ; i ) //便利修改生成的串的属性 for (r = cols[i].items, j = 0 ; j < r.length ; j ) new_json[r[j].root_id].row = r[j]; return new_json; }, init_node : function () { //初始化内容层div的数据 var wc = this, json = wc.json = wc.init_json(), boxary = [], i; for (i in json) boxary[boxary.length] = [ '  ', json[i].title, '
' ].join(""); wc.content.innerHTML = boxary.join(""); //写入内容层 }, execute : function (div) { //处理table类结构 var wc = this, parent = wc.parent, json = wc.json, items = div.getElementsByTagName("input"), row, c, i; try { for (i = 0 ; i < items.length ; i ) { if (items[i].type != "checkbox") continue; row = json[items[i].value]; if ((!!row.row) != items[i].checked) { if (row.row) parent.remove(row.row); //删除 else parent.add(parent.table.items[0].add(row.id, 1, false)); //向第一行追加数据 c = true; } } div.innerHTML = ""; if (c) parent.set_cookie(); } catch (exp) {} wc.close(); }, add : function () { //添加数据 var wc = this, div = wc.div, iframe = wc.iframe; wc.init_node(); div.style.height = iframe.style.height = Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.offsetHeight) "px"; div.style.width = iframe.style.width = Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollWidth, document.documentElement.offsetWidth) "px"; document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].style.overflow = "hidden"; document.body.appendChild(iframe); document.body.appendChild(div); document.body.appendChild(wc.node); }, close : function () { //关闭添加框 var wc = this, div = wc.div, iframe = wc.iframe; document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].style.overflow = CDrag.IE ? "" : "auto"; document.body.removeChild(iframe); document.body.removeChild(div); document.body.removeChild(wc.node); } }; CDrag.prototype = { initialize : function () { //初始化成员 var wc = this; wc.table = new CDrag.Table; //建立表格对象 wc.addc = new CDrag.Add(wc); //建立添加对象 wc.iFunc = wc.eFunc = null; wc.obj = { on : { a : null, b : "" }, row : null, left : 0, top : 0 }; wc.temp = { row : null, div : document.createElement("div") }; wc.temp.div.setAttribute(CDrag.IE ? "className" : "class", "CDrag_temp_div"); wc.temp.div.innerHTML = " "; }, reMouse : function (a) { //获取鼠标位置 var e = Object.reEvent(); return { x : document.documentElement.scrollLeft e.clientX, y : document.documentElement.scrollTop e.clientY }; }, rePosition : function (o) { //获取元素绝对位置 var $x = $y = 0; do { $x = o.offsetLeft; $y = o.offsetTop; } while ((o = o.offsetParent)); // && o.tagName != "BODY" return { x : $x, y : $y }; }, execMove : function (status, on_obj, in_obj, place) { //处理拖拽过程细节 var wc = this, obj = wc.obj.on, temp = wc.temp, px; obj.a = on_obj, obj.b = status; if (place == 0) { //向上 px = in_obj.element.clientWidth; in_obj.element.parentNode.insertBefore(temp.div, in_obj.element); } else if (place == 1) { //新加入 px = in_obj.element.clientWidth - 2; in_obj.element.appendChild(temp.div); } else { //向下 px = in_obj.element.clientWidth; in_obj.element.parentNode.appendChild(temp.div); } wc.obj.left = Math.ceil(px / temp.div.offsetWidth * wc.obj.left); //处理拖拽换行后宽度变化,鼠标距离拖拽物的距离的误差. temp.row.style.width = temp.div.style.width = px "px"; //处理换列后对象宽度变化 }, sMove : function (o) { //当拖动开始时设置参数 var wc = this; if (o.locks || wc.iFunc || wc.eFinc) return; var mouse = wc.reMouse(), obj = wc.obj, temp = wc.temp, div = o.element, position = wc.rePosition(div); obj.row = o; obj.on.b = "me"; obj.left = mouse.x - position.x; obj.top = mouse.y - position.y; temp.row = document.body.appendChild(div.cloneNode(true)); //复制预拖拽对象 temp.row.style.width = div.clientWidth "px"; with (temp.row.style) { //设置复制对象 position = "absolute"; left = mouse.x - obj.left "px"; top = mouse.y - obj.top "px"; zIndex = 100; opacity = "0.3"; filter = "alpha(opacity:30)"; } with (temp.div.style) { //设置站位对象 height = div.clientHeight "px"; width = div.clientWidth "px"; } div.parentNode.replaceChild(temp.div, div); wc.iFunc = Object.addEvent(document, ["onmousemove"], wc.iMove.bind(wc)); wc.eFunc = Object.addEvent(document, ["onmouseup"], wc.eMove.bind(wc)); document.onselectstart = new Function("return false"); }, iMove : function () { //当鼠标移动时设置参数 var wc = this, mouse = wc.reMouse(), cols = wc.table.items, obj = wc.obj, temp = wc.temp, row = obj.row, div = temp.row, t_position, t_cols, t_rows, i, j; with (div.style) { left = mouse.x - obj.left "px"; top = mouse.y - obj.top "px"; } for (i = 0 ; i < cols.length ; i ) { t_cols = cols[i]; //if (t_cols != obj.row.parent) continue; t_position = wc.rePosition(t_cols.element); if (t_position.x < mouse.x && t_position.x t_cols.element.offsetWidth > mouse.x) { if (t_cols.items.length > 0) { //如果此列行数大于0 if (t_cols.items[0] != obj.row && wc.rePosition(t_cols.items[0].element).y 20 > mouse.y) { //如果第一行不为拖拽对象并且鼠标位置大于第一行的位置即是最上。。 //向上 wc.execMove("up", t_cols.items[0], t_cols.items[0], 0); } else if (t_cols.items.length > 1 && t_cols.items[0] == row && wc.rePosition(t_cols.items[1].element).y 20 > mouse.y) { //如果第一行是拖拽对象而第鼠标大于第二行位置则,没有动。。 //向上 wc.execMove("me", t_cols.items[1], t_cols.items[1], 0); } else { for (j = t_cols.items.length - 1 ; j > -1 ; j --) { //重最下行向上查询 t_rows = t_cols.items[j]; if (t_rows == obj.row) { if (t_cols.items.length == 1) { //如果拖拽的是此列最后一行 wc.execMove("me", t_cols, t_cols, 1); } continue; } if (wc.rePosition(t_rows.element).y < mouse.y) { //如果鼠标大于这行则在这行下面 if (t_rows.id 1 < t_cols.items.length && t_cols.items[t_rows.id 1] != obj.row) { //如果这行有下一行则重这行下一行的上面插入 wc.execMove("down", t_rows, t_cols.items[t_rows.id 1], 0); } else if (t_rows.id 2 < t_cols.items.length) { //如果这行下一行是拖拽对象则插入到下两行,即拖拽对象返回原位 wc.execMove("me", null, t_cols.items[t_rows.id 2], 0); } else { //前面都没有满足则放在最低行 wc.execMove("down", t_rows, t_rows, 2); } return; } } } } else { //此列无内容添加新行 wc.execMove("new", t_cols, t_cols, 1); } } } }, eMove : function () { //当鼠标释放时设置参数 var wc = this, obj = wc.obj, temp = wc.temp, row = obj.row, div = row.element, o_cols, n_cols, number; if (obj.on.b != "me") { number = (obj.on.b == "down" ? obj.on.a.id 1 : 0); n_cols = (obj.on.b != "new" ? obj.on.a.parent : obj.on.a); o_cols = obj.row.parent; n_cols.ins(number, o_cols.del(obj.row.id)); wc.set_cookie(); } temp.div.parentNode.replaceChild(div, temp.div); temp.row.parentNode.removeChild(temp.row); delete temp.row; Object.delEvent(document, ["onmousemove"], wc.iFunc); Object.delEvent(document, ["onmouseup"], wc.eFunc); document.onselectstart = wc.iFunc = wc.eFunc = null; }, reduce : function (o) { //变大变小 var wc = this; if ((o.window = (o.window == 1 ? 0 : 1))) { o.content.style.display = "block"; o.reduce.innerHTML = "缩小"; } else { o.content.style.display = "none"; o.reduce.innerHTML = "放大"; } wc.set_cookie(); }, lock : function (o) { //锁定 var wc = this; if (o.locks) { o.locks = false; o.lock.innerHTML = "锁定"; } else { o.locks = true; o.lock.innerHTML = "解除"; } wc.set_cookie(); }, close : function (o) { //关闭对象 var wc = this; wc.remove(o); wc.set_cookie(); }, remove : function (o) { //移除对象 var wc = this, parent = o.parent; Object.delEvent(o.close, ["onclick"], o.closeFunc); if (o.editFunc) Object.delEvent(o.edit, ["onclick"], o.editFunc); Object.delEvent(o.lock, ["onclick"], o.lockFunc); Object.delEvent(o.reduce, ["onclick"], o.reduceFunc); Object.delEvent(o.title, ["onmousedown"], o.mousedown); o.mousedown = o.reduceFunc = o.lockFunc = o.editFunc = o.closeFunc = null; parent.element.removeChild(o.element); parent.del(o.id); delete wc.Class; delete o; }, create_json : function () { //生成json串 var wc = this, cols = wc.table.items, a = [], b = [], i, j, r; for (i = 0 ; i < cols.length ; i ) { for (r = cols[i].items, j = 0 ; j < r.length ; j ) b[b.length] = "{id:'" r[j].root_id "',window:" r[j].window ",locks:" r[j].locks "}"; a[a.length] = "cols:'" cols[i].element.id "',rows:[" b.splice(0, b.length).join(",") "]"; } return escape("[{" a.join("},{") "}]"); }, parse_json : function (cookie) { //解释json成对象 return eval("(" cookie ")"); }, get_cookie : function () { //获取COOKIE return (/CDrag=([^;] )(?:;|$)/.exec(document.cookie) || [,])[1]; }, set_cookie : function () { //设置COOKIE var wc = this, date = new Date; date.setDate(date.getDate() 1); document.cookie = "CDrag=" wc.create_json() ";expires=" date.toGMTString(); }, del_cookie : function () { //删除COOKIE var wc = this, cookie = wc.get_cookie(), date; if (cookie) { date = new Date; date.setTime(date.getTime() - 1); document.cookie = "CDrag=" cookie ";expires=" date.toGMTString(); } }, parse : function (o) { //初始化成员 try { var wc = this, table = wc.table, cols, rows, div, i, j; for (i = 0 ; i < o.length ; i ) { div = $(o[i].cols), cols = table.add(div); for (j = 0 ; j < o[i].rows.length ; j ) wc.add(cols.add(o[i].rows[j].id, o[i].rows[j].window, o[i].rows[j].locks)); } } catch (exp) { wc.del_cookie(); } }, add : function (o) { //添加对象 var wc = this; o.mousedown = Object.addEvent(o.title, ["onmousedown"], o.lockF(wc, wc.sMove, o)); o.reduceFunc = Object.addEvent(o.reduce, ["onclick"], o.lockF(wc, wc.reduce, o)); o.lockFunc = Object.addEvent(o.lock, ["onclick"], wc.lock.bind(wc, o)); o.closeFunc = Object.addEvent(o.close, ["onclick"], o.lockF(wc, wc.close, o)); }, append : function () { var wc = this; wc.addc.add(); } }; CDrag.database.json = [ { id : "m_1_1", title : "假如说某类新闻", className : "News", src : "News" }, { id : "m_1_2", title : "第一列的第二个", className : "第一列的第二个", src : "" }, { id : "m_1_3", title : "第一列的第三个", className : "第一列的第三个", src : "" }, { id : "m_1_4", title : "第一列的第四个", className : "第一列的第四个", src : "" }, { id : "m_2_1", title : "第二列的第一个", className : "第二列的第一个", src : "" }, { id : "m_2_2", title : "第二列的第二个", className : "第二列的第二个", src : "" }, { id : "m_2_3", title : "第二列的第三个", className : "第二列的第三个", src : "" }, { id : "m_2_4", title : "第二列的第四个", className : "第二列的第四个", src : "" }, { id : "m_3_1", title : "假如说某类图片", className : "Pic", src : "Pic" }, { id : "m_3_2", title : "第三列的第二个", className : "第三列的第二个", src : "" }, { id : "m_3_3", title : "第三列的第三个", className : "第三列的第三个", src : "" }, { id : "m_3_4", title : "第三列的第四个", className : "第三列的第四个", src : "" } ]; Object.addEvent(window, ["onload"], function () { var wc = new CDrag, cookie = wc.get_cookie(); json = cookie ? wc.parse_json(unescape(cookie)) : [ { cols : "m_1", rows : [ { id : "m_1_1", window : 1, locks : false }, { id : "m_1_2", window : 1, locks : false }, { id : "m_1_3", window : 1, locks : false } ] }, { cols : "m_2", rows : [ { id : "m_2_1", window : 1, locks : false }, { id : "m_2_2", window : 1, locks : false }, { id : "m_2_3", window : 1, locks : false } ] }, { cols : "m_3", rows : [ { id : "m_3_1", window : 1, locks : false }, { id : "m_3_2", window : 1, locks : false }, { id : "m_3_3", window : 1, locks : false } ] } ]; wc.parse(json); (function (wc) { $("DEL_CDrag").onclick = function () { wc.del_cookie(); window.location.reload(); }; $("ADD_CDrag").onclick = function () { wc.append(); }; })(wc); wc = null; }); </script> </head> <body>
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js div 可拖动层代码
jQuery EasyDrag实现DIV拖动
Javascript 拖动效果兼容火狐
JQuery UI的拖拽功能实现方法小结
关于PHP jQuery-ui拖动浮动层排序并保存到数据库实例

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