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js 网站导航下拉菜单代码-css导航菜单

发布时间:2016-11-01   编辑:jiaochengji.com
教程集为您提供js 网站导航下拉菜单代码-css导航菜单等资源,欢迎您收藏本站,我们将为您提供最新的js 网站导航下拉菜单代码-css导航菜单资源
js 网站导航下拉菜单代码,这是一款css导航菜单的js导航下拉菜单

<textarea name="runcool" rows="28" cols="75" > <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>js 网站导航下拉菜单代码</title> <style type="text/css"> /* common styling */ /* set up the overall width of the menu div, the font and the margins */ .menu { font-family: arial, sans-serif; width:750px; margin:0; margin:50px 0; } /* remove the bullets and set the margin and padding to zero for the unordered list */ .menu ul { padding:0; margin:0; list-style-type: none; } /* float the list so that the items are in a line and their position relative so that the drop down list will appear in the right place underneath each list item */ .menu ul li { float:left; position:relative; } /* style the links to be 104px wide by 30px high with a top and right border 1px solid white. Set the background color and the font size. */ .menu ul li a, .menu ul li a:visited { display:block; text-align:center; text-decoration:none; width:104px; height:30px; color:#000; border:1px solid #fff; border-width:1px 1px 0 0; background:#c9c9a7; line-height:30px; font-size:11px; } /* make the dropdown ul invisible */ .menu ul li ul { display: none; } /* specific to non IE browsers */ /* set the background and foreground color of the main menu li on hover */ .menu ul li:hover a { color:#fff; background:#b3ab79; } /* make the sub menu ul visible and position it beneath the main menu list item */ .menu ul li:hover ul { display:block; position:absolute; top:31px; left:0; width:105px; } /* style the background and foreground color of the submenu links */ .menu ul li:hover ul li a { display:block; background:#faeec7; color:#000; } /* style the background and forground colors of the links on hover */ .menu ul li:hover ul li a:hover { background:#dfc184; color:#000; } </style> </head> <body> </body> </html></textarea>

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