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imagesLoaded jQuery

发布时间:2016-09-15   编辑:jiaochengji.com
教程集为您提供imagesLoaded jQuery等资源,欢迎您收藏本站,我们将为您提供最新的imagesLoaded jQuery资源

imagesLoaded jquery插件,图片加载完毕执行内容


( function( window ) {

'use strict';

var $progress, $status;
var supportsProgress;
var loadedImageCount, imageCount;

$( function() {
var $demo = $('#demo');
var $container = $demo.find('#image-container');
$status = $demo.find('#status');
$progress = $demo.find('progress');

supportsProgress = $progress[0] &&
// IE does not support progress
$progress[0].toString().indexOf('Unknown') === -1;

$('#add').click( function() {
// add new images
var items = getItems();
console.log( items );
$container.prepend( $(items) );
// use ImagesLoaded
.progress( onProgress )
.always( onAlways );
// reset progress counter
imageCount = $container.find('img').length;
updateProgress( 0 );

// reset container
$('#reset').click( function() {

// ----- ----- //

// return doc fragment with
function getItems() {
var items = '';
for ( var i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) {
items += getImageItem();
return items;

// return an <li> with a <img> in it
function getImageItem() {
var item = '<li class="is-loading">';
item.className = 'is-loading';
var size = Math.random() * 3 + 1;
var width = Math.random() * 110 + 100;
width = Math.round( width * size );
var height = Math.round( 140 * size );
var rando = Math.ceil( Math.random() * 1000 );
// 10% chance of broken image src
// random parameter to prevent cached images
var src = rando < 100 ? '//foo/broken-' + rando + '.jpg' :
// use lorempixel for great random images
'//lorempixel.com/' + width + '/' + height + '/' + '?' + rando;
item += '<img src="' + src + '" /></li>';
return item;

// ----- ----- //

function resetProgress() {
$status.css({ opacity: 1 });
loadedImageCount = 0;
if ( supportsProgress ) {
$progress.attr( 'max', imageCount );

function updateProgress( value ) {
if ( supportsProgress ) {
$progress.attr( 'value', value );
} else {
// if you don't support progress elem
$status.text( value + ' / ' + imageCount );

// triggered after each item is loaded
function onProgress( imgLoad, image ) {
// change class if the image is loaded or broken
var $item = $( image.img ).parent();
if ( !image.isLoaded ) {
// update progress element
updateProgress( loadedImageCount );

// hide status when done
function onAlways() {
$status.css({ opacity: 0 });

})( window );




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