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jQuery对话框插件 Impromptu

发布时间:2014-05-15   编辑:jiaochengji.com
jQuery Impromptu 是一个用来显示漂亮的错误提示、警告、信息提示的jQuery对话框插件。可以通过css对对话框的样式进行定制,包括定制对话框的按钮等。 $.prompt("Procede?",{buttons:{'Please Do':'yes','Not Now':'no','Never':'never'}}); 参数说明: prefix: a cl
jquery Impromptu 是一个用来显示漂亮的错误提示、警告、信息提示的jQuery对话框插件。可以通过css对对话框的样式进行定制,包括定制对话框的按钮等。 $.prompt("Procede?",{buttons:{'Please Do':'yes','Not Now':'no','Never':'never'}}); 参数说明: prefix: a class prefix to associate each prompt with a css class submit: a function to call when prompt has been submitted callback: a function to call when prompt is complete opacity: prefered opacity of the overlay container: jquery selector for the overlay to cover ("div.mydiv") buttons: buttons you would like to display(as many as you like) overlayspeed: speed which the overlay fades in/out promptspeed: speed which the prompt displays show: how to show the prompt(show, fadeIn, slideDown, or your own)

jQuery对话框插件 Impromptu
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上一篇:jQuery.combobox 下一篇:jQuery UI Tabs Paging
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