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jQuery下拉组件 ddSlick

发布时间:2014-04-19   编辑:jiaochengji.com
ddSlick 是一个轻量级的 jQuery 插件用来实现定制的下拉组件。 主要特点: Adds images and description to otherwise boring drop downs. Uses JSON to populate the drop down options. Uses Minimum css and no external stylesheets to download. Supports callback functions on selection. Works
ddSlick 是一个轻量级的 jquery 插件用来实现定制的下拉组件。 主要特点: Adds images and description to otherwise boring drop downs. Uses JSON to populate the drop down options. Uses Minimum css and no external stylesheets to download. Supports callback functions on selection. Works as good even without images or description.

jQuery下拉组件 ddSlick
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